About award
The H-C-A-P is an international talent pool for professionals from any country in the world. This means that artists from all corners of the globe can submit their work for the chance to be recognized by their peers and the international art community. The prize is open to all forms of contemporary art, including drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, graphics, mixed media, video, installations, performances, and literature.

This wide range of accepted categories ensures that the prize is truly inclusive and representative of the diversity of contemporary art. The H-C-A-P is more than just
a prize competition; it is also a platform for showcasing the work of talented artists from around the world. The winners of the prize are given the opportunity to exhibit their work at prestigious venues around the world, and they are also featured in international publications.
Our Experts
  • Bence Kozma
    Co-founder & Curator
    Senior Lecturer, Fine Art. Lived and worked in France and USA from 1995-2017 holding various teaching posts and regularly exhibited. Returned to the Hungary to complete a Masters Degree in Fine Art Practices
  • Tibor Szalai
    Art & Finance expert
    Art economist, professional cultural project manager, investment and art management consultant, private collections management
  • Julia Kovács-Barna
    Art Adviser
    Art adviser whose 30-year-long career in the cultural sector has predominantly focused on the production of collaborative projects and exhibitions
  • Mihály Hajdu
    Co-founder & Art Director
    Max founded our company. He is the father of our main goals and values. He found the core members of our team and helped them to show their unique talents in the work process
Regulations of the International Competition in the Field of Contemporary Art "HUNGARIAN CONTEMPORARY ART PRIZE"

General Provisions
1.1 These regulations define the terms and procedures for conducting the competition in various directions of contemporary art "HUNGARIAN CONTEMPORARY ART PRIZE," organized by a permanent jury and invited experts - the "Organizers."
1.2 The competition is held to identify and support talented individuals across Eastern Europe, promote the development of their creative abilities, enhance artistic training, foster the creative potential of the contemporary generation in the field of art, and engage the general public in artistic activities.
1.3 The official website of the competition is http://h-c-a-p.com/ - the "Competition Website."

Competition Rules
2.1 The competition is conducted in the following directions of contemporary art: painting, graphics, sculpture, installation, land art, urban art, fashion, curatorial practice, photography, digital art, video art, sound art, theater, and literature.
2.2 Only artists with professional artistic education can participate in the competition.
2.3 The competition program accepts works created in the last 5 years.
2.4 The maximum number of works for participation in the competition from one author is three.
2.5 Artists from any country can participate in the competition.
2.6 Individuals aged 18 and older are eligible to participate in the competition.
2.7 The following actions are prohibited:
- Copying (redrawing) images from any electronic and paper media (websites and other online sources, books, magazines, postcards, etc.);
- Using images or parts of images from works by other artists;
- Using images of characters created by other artists.
2.12 Participation in the competition is voluntary and implies the participant's familiarity and agreement with the Regulations of the "HUNGARIAN CONTEMPORARY ART PRIZE" contemporary art competition, which is made available to authors through the Competition Website.
2.13 By participating in the competition, the participant:
- Agrees to these Regulations;
- Consents to the provision and processing of personal data by the Organizer and its authorized persons, including data such as: last name, first name, patronymic, full address of residence, postal code, contact phone number, email address, date of birth, and other information provided by the participant. The participant consents to the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution, blocking, and destruction of personal data by the Organizer solely for the purposes of conducting the competition, publishing the results, awarding prizes, and advertising in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Hungary. This consent is valid for 2 (two) years from the date of submission of the participant's application to participate in the competition. The participant has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of their personal data by notifying the Organizer in writing in accordance with Hungarian legislation. In case of withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data, the participant is not allowed to continue participating in the competition;
- Confirms compliance with other requirements specified in the Regulations;
- Guarantees that all information provided by them is accurate.

Stages and Schedule of the Competition
3.1 The competition consists of two stages.
3.2 The first stage is conducted in an "online" format. Applications for participation are accepted from January 1 to March 1 of the current year, inclusive. Applications submitted after March 1 will not be considered.
3.3 After receiving the total number of applications, the Selection Committee will determine the competition finalists, selecting 30-50 works from participants ("Selected Works").
3.4 The second stage is conducted in an "offline" format. Contestants will be notified in writing of their advancement to the final no later than March 1, 2024.
3.5 Finalists must deliver their works to the organizers by any available means.
3.6 The jury will personally review the selected works in the gallery and determine the winners in categories and the Laureate of the Competition.
3.7 The award ceremony takes place annually in the last week of March. All artists who have reached the final will be invited to the award ceremony.
3.8 All dates specified in these Regulations are determined according to Moscow time. Deadlines are calculated from 00:01 hours at the beginning of the period, but not earlier than the time of posting the competition post, and expire at 23:59:59 hours at the end of the period.
3.9 The participant in the competition confirms their agreement to publicly disclose their submitted work with the author's name, its placement on the competition and organizers' websites, and on social networks, as well as in subsequent exhibitions for competition purposes without any compensation.

Evaluation Criteria
4.1 Common evaluation criteria for all works submitted to the competition include:
skillful execution, color palette, composition solution, expressiveness, originality
skillful combination of traditions and innovations, implementation of the idea in the work.
4.2 The above criteria are listed arbitrarily, and the importance assigned to each of them is entirely at the discretion of the Selection Committee and the Jury.

Prizes and Awards
5.1 Certificates of participation in the competition will be sent to all participants.
5.2 Artists will be informed about the Competition Winners by posting relevant information at http://h-c-a-p.com/.

Technical Requirements
7.1 Creative works are submitted in the form of photographs meeting the following criteria: no deviations in dimensions vertically and/or horizontally, image clarity, absence of the participant in the frame, absence of foreign objects in the frame, color reproduction matching the original work.
7.2 It is necessary to submit 1 image: a photograph of the front side of the work.
7.3 Acceptable file formats: jpg, jpeg.
7.4 File size should not exceed 10 MB.
7.5 Image/photograph resolution should be no less than 72 dots per inch.
7.6 Complete information about the work must be provided: title, materials, size, year of creation, description (up to 1000 characters)
7.7 A brief autobiography (up to 2500 characters) should also be provided.
7.8 Registration and data entry are carried out through the Personal Account on the Competition Website - http://h-c-a-p.com/.

Organizers. Jury
8.1 The jury will consist of independent experts, including highly qualified and experienced specialists in the field of visual arts, music, and art history. The jury will include a minimum of three members, whose names will be published on the Competition Website in early 2024.
8.2 Decisions of the Selection Committee and the Jury are final, cannot be contested, and are not subject to review or discussion.

Intellectual Property
9.1 Participants undertake to comply with all legal requirements regarding the protection of intellectual property.
9.2 The Organizer is not responsible for any possible violations by the Participant of the rights of third parties to objects of intellectual property belonging to those third parties.
9.3 In case of claims against the Organizer by third parties related to the infringement of intellectual property rights, the Participant undertakes to provide the Organizer with a written explanation of the subject of such claims within one business day after the Organizer's request for such information and bear all consequences related to the violation of such rights.

Other Conditions
10.1 The personal presence of the author at the award ceremony is not obligatory to receive the prize.
10.2 A representative/agent of the finalist has the right to receive a diploma/prize certificate on their behalf.
10.3 All works presented at the exhibition may be available for sale, subject to the conclusion of a corresponding commercial agreement between the Organizers and the author (artist).
10.4 Participation in the competition does not guarantee that the artist's work will be selected for the exhibition.
10.5 By participating in the competition, the artist confirms that they have read and agreed to all the Competition Rules.
10.6 In case of the discovery of a violation of any part of the rules outlined in paragraph 2, the Organizing Committee, Selection Committee, or Jury have the right to withdraw the work from the competition at any time without a refund of the entry fee.
10.7 The Organizers reserve the right, at their discretion, to change the date(s) of the award ceremony and the accompanying exhibition. In such circumstances, the amended date(s) will be published on the Competition Website as soon as possible.
10.8 The Organizers reserve the right to cancel the Competition at any time if they deem the quantity/quality of applications insufficient, and in this case, all entry fees will be refunded. In all other cases, except as specified in paragraph 10.4, the entry fee is non-refundable.
10.9 The Organizer recommends that artists obtain insurance for their works during the exhibition period, as the organizer is not responsible for intentional damage to works by exhibition visitors.